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Walkup, JG, & Morrissey, EM (2025). Scaling up taxon-specific microbial traits to predict community-level microbial activity in agricultural systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 200, 109622.

Foley, MM, Stone, BW, Caro, TA, Sokol, NW, Koch, BJ, Blazewicz, SJ, Dijkstra, P, Hayer, M, Hofmockel, K, Finley, BK and Mack, M, Marks J, Mau RL, Monsaint-Queeny V., Morrissey E, Propster J, Purcell A, Schartz E, Pett-Ridge J, Fierer N, Hungate B (2024) Growth rate as a link between microbial diversity and soil biogeochemistry. Nat Ecol Evol 8, 2018–2026

Dang, C, Morrissey, EM (2024). The size and diversity of microbes determine carbon use efficiency in soil. Environmental Microbiology, 26(5), e16633.

Kane, JL, Liseski, KB, Dang, C, Freedman, ZB, & Morrissey, EM (2024). Trade or scavenge? Miscanthus-microbiome interactions depend upon soil fertility. Applied Soil Ecology, 196, 105289.


Piñeiro, J, Dang, C, Walkup, JG, Kuzniar, T, Winslett, R, Blazewicz, SJ, Freedman, ZB, Brzostek, E and Morrissey, EM (2024). Shifts in bacterial traits under chronic nitrogen deposition align with soil processes in arbuscular, but not ectomycorrhizal‐associated trees. Global Change Biology, p.e17030.

Ridgeway, J, Kane, J, Morrissey, E, Starcher, H, & Brzostek, E (2024). Roots selectively decompose litter to mine nitrogen and build new soil carbon. Ecology Letters.

Kane, JL, Schartiger, RG, Daniels, NK, Freedman, ZB, McDonald, LM, Skousen, JG, & Morrissey, EM (2023). Bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus acts as an ecosystem engineer to increase bacterial diversity and soil organic matter on marginal land. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 186, 109178.


Wang, C, Wang, X, Zhang, Y, Morrissey, E, Liu, Y, Sun, L, Qu, L, Sang, C, Zhang, H, Li, G and Zhang, L, (2023). Integrating microbial community properties, biomass and necromass to predict cropland soil organic carbon. ISME communications, 3(1), p.86.

Walkup, J., Dang, C., Mau, R. L., Hayer, M., Schwartz, E., Stone, B. W., ... & Morrissey, E. M. (2023). The predictive power of phylogeny on growth rates in soil bacterial communities. ISME communications, 3(1), 73.

Stone BWG, Chuckran P, Dijkstra P, Finley BK, Fireston M, Fitzpatrick R, Foley MM, Hayer M, Hofmockel KS, Koch BJ, Li J, Liu XA, Martinez A, Mau RL, Marks J, Monsaint-Queeny V, Morrissey EM, Propster J, Pett-Ridge J, Purcell A, Schwartz E, Hungate BA (2023) Life history strategies among soil bacteria—dichotomy for few, continuum for many. The ISME Journal. (4):611-9.

Propster, J. R., Schwartz, E., Hayer, M., Miller, S., Monsaint-Queeney, V., Koch, B. J., Morrissey, E. M., Mack, M. C. & Hungate, B. A. (2023). Distinct Growth Responses of Tundra Soil Bacteria to Short-Term and Long-Term Warming. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 89(3), e01543-22.

Pagliaro, Z., Burke, J., Morrissey, E., Ridgeway, J., Singh, V., Altpeter, F., & Brzostek, E. R. (2023). Lipid‐enhanced Oilcane does not impact soil carbon dynamics compared with wild‐type Sugarcane. GCB Bioenergy.

Morrissey, E. M., Kane, J., Tripathi, B. M., Rion, M. S. I., Hungate, B. A., Franklin, R., Sulman, B, Walter, C & Brzostek, E. (2022). Carbon acquisition ecological strategies to connect soil microbial biodiversity and carbon cycling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108893.​

Foley, M. M., Blazewicz, S. J., McFarlane, K. J., Greenlon, A., Hayer, M., Kimbrel, J. A., Koch, B.J., Monsaint-Queeney, V., Morrison, K., Morrissey, E. and Hungate, B.A. & Pett-Ridge, J. (2022). Active populations and growth of soil microorganisms are framed by mean annual precipitation in three California annual grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108886.

Ridgeway, J. R., Morrissey, E. M., & Brzostek, E. R. (2022). Plant litter traits control microbial decomposition and drive soil carbon stabilization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 175, 108857.

Reed, K., & Morrissey, E. M. (2022). Bridging Ecology and Agronomy to Foster Diverse Pastures and Healthy Soils. Agronomy, 12(8), 1893.

Kane, J. L., Robinson, M. C., Schartiger, R. G., Freedman, Z. B., McDonald, L. M., Skousen, J. G., & Morrissey, E. M. (2022) Nutrient management and bioaugmentation interactively shape plant-microbe interactions in Miscanthus× giganteus. GCB Bioenergy 14(11), 1235-1249.


Kane, J. L., Kotcon, J. B., Freedman, Z. B., & Morrissey, E. M. (2022). Fungivorous nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil. Ecology, e3844


Martin, G. D., Morrissey, E. M., Carson, W. P., & Freedman, Z. B. (2022). A legacy of fire emerges from multiple disturbances to most shape microbial and nitrogen dynamics in a deciduous forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 169, 108672.

Michaels, R., Eliason, K., Kuzniar, T., Petty, J. T., Strager, M. P., Ziemkiewicz, P. F., & Morrissey, E. (2022). Microbial communities reveal impacts of unconventional oil and gas development on headwater streams. Water Research, 118073.

Finley, B. K., Mau, R. L., Hayer, M., Stone, B. W., Morrissey, E. M., Koch, B. J., et. al.  & Hungate, B. A. (2021). Soil minerals affect taxon-specific bacterial growth. The ISME journal, 1-9.

Dang C, Walkup JGV, Franklin RB, Schwartz E, Hungate BA, Morrissey EM (2022) Phylogenetic patterns in the assimilation of chemically distinct substrates by soil bacteria. Environmental Microbiology 

Purcell A, Hayer M, Koch B, Mau B, Blazewicz S, Dijkstra P, Mack M, Marks J, Morrissey E, Pett-Ridge J, Rubin R, Schwartz E, van Gestel N, Hungate B (2022) Decreased growth of wild soil microbes after fifteen years of warming in a montane meadow. Global Change Biology

Raczka N, Piñeiro J, Malak T, Chu R.K., Lipton M.S., Pasa-Tolic L., Morrissey EM, Brzostek E (2021) Interactions between microbial diversity and substrate chemistry determine the fate of carbon in soil. Scientific Reports 11:19320. 

Hungate BA, Marks JC, Power ME, Schwartz E, van Groenigen KJ, Blazewicz SJ, Chuckran P, Dijkstra P, Finley BK, Firestone MK, Foley M, Greenlon A, Hayer M, Hofmockel KS, Koch BJ, Mack MC, Mau RL, Miller SN, Morrissey EM, Propster JR, Purcell AM, Sieradzki E, Starr EP, Stone BWG, Terrer C, Pett-Ridge J (2021) The functional significance of bacterial predators. mBio 12:e00466-21. 


Chuckran P, Fofanov V, Hungate B, Morrissey E, Schwartz E, Walkup J†, Dijkstra P (2021) Rapid response of nitrogen cycling gene transcription to labile carbon amendments in a soil microbial community. mSystems. e00161-21

Stone BW, Li J, Koch BJ, Blazewicz SJ, Dijkstra P, Hayer M, Hofmockel KS, Liu XJA, Mau RL, Morrissey E, Pett-Ridge J, Schwartz E, Hungate BA (2021) Nutrients cause consolidation of soil carbon flux to small proportion of bacterial community. Nature Communications. 12, 3381

Wang C, Morrissey EM, Mau RL, Hayer M, Piñeiro J, Mack MC, Marks JC, Bell SL, Miller SN, Schwartz E, Dijkstra P, Koch BJ, Stone BW, Purcell AM, Blazewicz SJ, Hofmockel KS, Pett-Ridge J, Hungate BA. (2021) The temperature sensitivity of soil: microbial biodiversity, growth, and carbon mineralization. ISME J

Martin, G., Dang, C., Morrissey, E., Hubbart, J., Kellner, E., Kelly, C., ... & Freedman, Z. (2021). Stream sediment bacterial communities exhibit temporally-consistent and distinct thresholds to land use change in a mixed-use watershed. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97(2), fiaa256.

Dang, C., Kellner, E., Martin, G., Freedman, Z. B., Hubbart, J., Stephan, K., ... & Morrissey, E. M. (2021). Land use intensification destabilizes stream microbial biodiversity and decreases metabolic efficiency. Science of The Total Environment, 767, 145440.

Walkup J, Freedman Z, Kotcon J, Morrissey EM (2020) Pasture in crop rotations influences microbial biodiversity and function reducing the potential for nitrogen loss from compost. Agriculture Ecosystems, and Environment.

Blazewicz, SJ., Hungate BA, Koch BJ, Nuccio EE, Morrissey E, Brodie EL, Schwartz E, Pett-Ridge J, and  Firestone MK (2020) Taxon-specific microbial growth and mortality patterns reveal distinct temporal population responses to rewetting in a California grassland soil. The ISME Journal  1-13.

Kane JL, Morrissey EM, Skousen JG, Freedman ZB (2020) Soil microbial succession following surface mining is governed primarily by deterministic factors. Applied Soil Ecology

Morrissey EM, Mau RL, Hayer M, Liu XJ, Schwartz E, Dijkstra P, Koch BJ, Allen K, Blazewicz SJ, Hofmockel K, Pett-Ridge J, Hungate BA (2019) Evolutionary history constrains microbial traits across environmental variation. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Li J, Mau RL, Dijkstra P, Koch BJ, Schwartz E, Liu X, Morrissey EM, Blazewicz S, Pett-Ridge J, Stone B, Hayer M, Hungate B (2019) Predictive genomic traits for bacterial growth in culture versus actual growth in soil. The ISME Journal.

Macias AM, Marek PE, Morrissey EM, Brewer MS, Short DPG, Stauder CM, Wickert KL, Berger MC, Metheny AM, Stajich JE, Boyce G, Rio RVM, Panaccione DG, Wong V, Jones TH, Kasson MT (2019) Diversity and function of fungi associated with the fungivorous feather millipede, Brachycybe lecontii. Fungal Ecology.

Purcell A, Dijkstra P, Finley B, Hayer M, Koch B, Mau RL, Morrissey EM, Papp K, Schwartz E, Stone B, Hungate BA (2019) Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing with H218O to Measure Taxon Specific Microbial Growth. Methods of Soil Analysis. 4(1)

Dang C, Morrissey EM, Neubauer SC, Franklin RB (2019). Novel microbial community composition and carbon biogeochemistry emerge over time following saltwater intrusion. Global Change Biology.

Morina JC, Morrissey EM, Franklin RB (2018) Vegetation Effects on Bacteria and Denitrifier Abundance in the Soils of Two Tidal Freshwater Wetlands in Virginia. Applied and Environmental Soil Science

Kellner E, Hubbart J, Stephan K, Morrissey E, Freedman Z, Kutta E, Kelly C. (2018). Characterization of sub-watershed-scale stream chemistry regimes in an Appalachian mixed-land-use watershed. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 190, 586.


Morrissey EM, Mau RL, Koch B, Hayer M, Schwartz E, Hungate BA (2018). Taxonomic patterns in the nitrogen assimilation of soil prokaryotes. Environmental Microbiology.

Koch B, McHugh T, Hayer M, Schwartz E, Blazewicz S, Dijkstra P, Van Gestel N, Marks J, Mau R, Morrissey EM, Pett-Ridge J, Hungate BA (2018). Estimating taxon-specific population dynamics in diverse microbial communities. Ecosphere. 

Barreto CR, Morrissey EM, Wykoff DD, Chapman SK (2018). Mangrove encroachment into salt marshes alters wetland microbial community composition and function. Wetlands.


Morrissey EM, Mau RL, McHugh TA, Dijkstra P, Koch B, Marks JC, Hungate BA (2017). Bacterial carbon use plasticity, phylogenetic diversity, and the priming of soil organic matter. The ISME Journal.

McHugh TA, Morrissey EM, Mueller RC, Gallegos-Graves LV, Kuske CR, Reed SC (2017) Bacterial, fungal, and plant communities exhibit no biomass or compositional response to two years of simulated nitrogen deposition in a semiarid grassland. Environmental Microbiology. 19 (4), 1600-1611


Franklin RB, Morina JC, Morrissey EM (2017). Changes in abundance and community structure of nitrate reducing bacteria along a salinity gradient in tidal wetlands. Pedobiologia. 60, 21-26


Hayer M, Schwartz E, Marks JC, Koch BJ, Morrissey EM, Schuettenberg AA, & Hungate BA (2016). Identification of growing bacteria during litter decomposition in freshwater through H218O quantitative stable isotope probing. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 8, 975-982.


Coldren GA, Barreto C, Wykoff D, Morrissey EM, Langley AJ, Feller IC, Chapman SK (2016). Chronic warming stimulates growth of marsh grasses more than mangroves in a coastal wetland ecotone. Ecology. 97, 3167-3175.


Schwartz E, Hayer M, Hungate BA, Koch B, McHugh TA, Mercurio W, Morrissey EM, Soldanova K (2016). Stable isotope probing with 18O-water to investigate microbial growth and death in environmental samples. Current Opinions in Biotechnology. 41, 14-18.


Morrissey EM, Mau RL, Schwartz E, Caporaso JG, Dijkstra P, van Gestel N, Koch BJ, Liu CM, Hayer M, Mc Hugh TA, Marks JC, Price LB, Hungate BA (2016). Phylogenetic organization of bacterial activity. The ISME Journal. 10, 2336-2340.

Morrissey EM, Franklin RB (2015) Evolutionary history influences the salinity preference of bacterial taxa in wetland soils. Frontiers in Microbiology,6.


Hungate BA, Mau RL, Schwartz E, Caporaso JG, Dijkstra P, van Gestel N, Koch BJ, Liu CM, McHugh TA, Marks JC, Morrissey EM, Price LB (2015) Quantitative microbial ecology through stable isotope probing. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 81, 7570-7581.


McHugh TA, Morrissey EM, Reed SC, Hungate BA, Schwartz E. (2015) Water from air: an overlooked source of moisture in arid and semiarid regions. Scientific Reports. 5, 13767


Morrissey EM, McHugh TA, Preteska L, Hayer M, Dijkstra P, Hungate BA, Schwartz E.  (2015) Dynamics of extracellular DNA decomposition and bacterial community structure in relation to soil mineralogy. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 86:42-49.


Morrissey EM, Franklin RB (2015). Resource effects on denitrification activity are mediated by community composition in tidal freshwater wetlands. Environmental Microbiology.17:1520-1532.


Morrissey EM, Gillespie JL, Morina JC, Franklin RB (2014) Salinity affects microbial activity and soil organic matter content in tidal wetlands. Global Change Biology. 20:1351-1362.


Morrissey EM, Berrier DJ, Neubauer SC, Franklin RB (2014) Using microbial communities and extracellular enzymes to link soil organic matter characteristics to greenhouse gas production in a tidal freshwater wetland. Biogeochemistry. 117:473-490.


Morrissey EM, Jenkins AS, Brown BL, Franklin RB (2013) Resource availability effects on nitrate-reducing microbial communities in a freshwater wetland. Wetlands. 33:301-310.

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